
Here’s a poem I wrote in class along with the kids.

We brainstormed some emotions.

Our task was to write a poem that used a metaphor or simile to help us understand an emotion more deeply.

Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash



Embarrassment is a bright searchlight
that sweeps the ground
around the prison yard fence,
for a bit of cloth
in the grass,
a color
that does not match,
for any movement
to reveal
the prisoner who
might try
to escape.

–Steve Peterson

Published by

Steve Peterson

I teach fifth grade in Iowa.

2 thoughts on “Embarrassment”

    1. Mine, too!
      I chose this because so much of the move into middle school is to try to avoid standing out, being embarrassed, while still trying to be true to oneself. It’s a hard wire to walk; I thought I would try to put some words to the feeling so they didn’t have to.

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