Some 1AM thoughts under a winter sky

I woke up the other morning to this headline in the New York Times.

Iowa doesn’t make the Times very often, mostly only on election years, so we get pretty excited when others take notice.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of press that’s good. And it’s a reminder of just how much easier it is to destroy than to build.

So, here’s a poem. From a teacher.

Some 1AM thoughts under a winter sky

After her urgent appeal
at the bedroom door,
the old dog and I dashed
out into the cold night.
Irritation rose behind my eyes;
my bare feet freezing
in barn boots, hastily donned.

I wish I could say
an epiphany waited
under the moonless sky, out there
amongst the rustle
of the dry red oak leaves
that still clung to the trees;
that looking up I saw at once
the heavens and felt
the embrace of the stars,
that I was filled.

Out there, perched on the
early-hour edge
of a new year, the dog’s nose
tilted to sniff the air and
she paused to stare
with blind eyes
into the darkness.

– Steve Peterson

Published by

Steve Peterson

I teach fifth grade in Iowa.

2 thoughts on “Some 1AM thoughts under a winter sky”

  1. It’s cold. It’s dark. And there’s more than irritation rising behind my eyes. There are tears of frustration and anger. What is the point behind this destruction? Do we have to revert all the way back to savages in order to move forward?

    Thank you for a poem, friend. I’ve missed your words. Jama is cheerleader to all writers this week. Read here and be heartened:

    1. Thank you for reading, Mary Lee. I left you some comments on your Poetrepository blog. Thank you for your poems there.

      Also, thanks for the link to Jama’s post. It was good for me to hear. I have to write more, even if what comes out is terse and tears.

      Best to you, friend.

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